martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

Greetings to you, My name is Mr. Mark Philipe, from Toulouse France. I have been suffering from cancer disease and the doctor says that I have just a short time to live. For the past Twelve years, I have being dealing on gold exportation, before falling ill due to the Cancer. I made a lot of money from the sales of Gold and cotton, I married to my late wife after many years of marriage we had no child of our own. I am very sick and according to the doctor, I will not survive the sickness. The worst of it all is that I do not have any family members or children to inherit my wealth.I am writing this letter now through the help of the computer beside my sick bed.I have $2.5 Million US Dollars deposited in the Financial House Overseas and I am willing to instruction to transfer the said fund to you as my foreign Trustee. Please respond to me immediately on my private email address ( for further details and instructions. My Regards, Mr Mark Philippe

 Greetings to you, 

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